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How to add a Microsoft Azure DevOps work item to a Confluence document?

The how-to guide on how to add a Microsoft Azure DevOps work item to a Confluence document?

Adding Azure DevOps work item macro

You need to ensure the Query/Work Item/Project can be accessed by the user who created the personal access token.

This macro aims to provide rich information about a single Microsoft Azure DevOps Work Item.

Here is an example of how it looks.

Azure DevOps single work item macro examples

To add a macro, you need to copy the work item URL first. Navigate to the work items or any other way to the work item you want to embed into the Confluence page.

Copy the URL; it should be in the format.


If you are using Microsoft Azure DevOps running On-Premise, you need to make sure you are using the URL accessible from the Internet.

Start typing Azure and get the correct macro.


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