GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, Gerrit Jira integration documentation
Integrate Jira Server or Data Center with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, GitLab On-Premises, Azure DevOps and Gerrit. View your issue related Git activities directly in the Jira’s issue view. Streamline development with Jigit Dev Panel on the issue view screen.
Jigit - GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps integration for Jira
Integrate Jira Server or Data Center with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, GitLab On-Premises and Gerrit Code Review tool. View your issue related Git activities directly in the Jira’s issue view. Streamline development with Jigit Dev Panel on the issue view screen.
Outdate Jigit guides
Jira GitHub and Gitlab integration Jigit - Jira Gerrit Code Review support Jigit - Security & Architecture Jigit - Data Stored Jira GitHub and GitLab integra...