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How to activate and view Git Activity reports in Jigit

To view Git Activity reports in Jigit, repositories must be added within the Project Settings

Adding Git Activity Reports

Activity Reports are available since version 9.03.39

From your Jira Project, go to the Project settings by selecting the cogwheel on the bottom left. From here, select Jigit Plugin Config and then the Git Activity tab.

Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 19.05.06.png

Configure Git Activity Settings


Below you can find a short definition of the parameters you can specify




Specify which repositories are to be included in Git Activity reports

Pull requests

Enable to show pull requests opened and merged during the specified period in Git Activity reports

Pull requests statuses

Enable to include the status of open and inactive pull requests to show in Git Activity reports

Inactive pull requests more than

Specify the number of days since a pull request was last updated for it to be included in the ‘Inactive Pull Requests’ section of the Git Activity reports


Enable to show new commits made during the period specified in your Git Activity reports


Enable Git Activity reports

Disabling will remove the Git Activity menu on the left if no other configurations are available

Remember to click the image-20241025-185451.png button after configuring your preferences.

If repositories have been selected and Git Activitie reports enabled, you should see image-20241025-185132.png listed on the menu to the left.


Viewing Git Activity Reports

Click on Git Activity to be brought to the Git Activity page:


Under Repository, you can add or remove repositories to show from those listed during the configuration.

Period (in days) allows you to specify the time period (1, 7, 14 or 30 days) for which opened and merged Pull Requests are shown.

By clicking the Arrow to the left of the listed repositories, it’s possible to collapse or expand the relevant repository, as shown below.



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