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How to link Gerrit changes to Jira issues?

Jigit - GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps integration for Jira supports integration with Gerrit Code Review, allowing you to link Gerrit changes and reviews with your Jira issues.

This feature will be available if only it is enabled on the Global configuration page by the Jira administrator. To find out, please contact your Jira administrator.

Associate Gerrit Code Review entities with Jira issues

After completing the configuration and establishing a connection between Jira and your Gerrit instance by the Jira administrator, you can start linking Gerrit changes with Jira issues:

  1. In Gerrit, when creating or updating a code change, include the Jira issue key in the commit message or change description.

  2. The Gerrit integration plugin will automatically detect the Jira issue key in the commit message or change the description and establish the link between the Gerrit change and the corresponding Jira issue.

  3. Details about the Gerrit change will be visible on the Gerrit tab and Gerrit panel (shown on the right side of the Jira issue view).

Jira issue view

How to set up Gerrit Code Review integration?

Gerrit display type

Since version 7.06.28, you can select the Gerrit data's List or Table view type.

This is done in Jigit Plugin Config → Global Settings → Gerrit display type.

Above the table view, you see the name of the Gerrit configuration.


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