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How to set up GitHub App integration?

GitHub App Setup


The GitHub App requires the following permissions prior to integration:

Repository permissions:

  • Administration:
    Access: Read and write

  • Contents:
    Access: Read and write

  • Metadata:
    Access: Read-only

  • Projects:
    Access: Read-only

  • Pull requests:
    Access: Read and write

To update your GitHub Apps permissions, go to the app in your GitHub account located here, click the image-20240530-160411.png button next to your app, select image-20240530-160455.png from the menu to the left, then change the approrpiate Repository Permissions, then click the Save changes button at the bottom.

Private Key

From the image-20240530-160950.png section of your GitHub, scroll down to the Private Keys section and click to generate a private key as shown below:


Once the private key has downloaded, open the file with a text editor, as the contents will need to be pasted during the integration setup.

Jigit GitHub App Integration

Navigate to the Jigit Plugin Config located under the Managed apps section of Jira. Under the Configurations Tab, select image-20240530-161835.png

  1. Select GitHub App and specify which of the apps features are required.


  2. Enter the specified details and paste the Private Key from your GitHub App and the App Id, found in the General section of your GitHub App.


  3. Select which branches to be indexed


    From the Advances settings, you can change the indexing parameters:


  4. Provide a name for the Integration


Pressing the image-20240530-164645.png will check the integration is complete, and provide an error for any issues that need to be address. Once you have a green bar with image-20240530-164846.png, press Save and the integration is complete.

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