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Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Confluence: Difference between Cloud and Server

Microsoft Teams Confluence Connector: Difference between Cloud and Server

Below you can find the table that outlines the differences between Advanced Microsoft Teams Confluence Connector for Confluence Cloud/SaaS and Confluence On-Premise/Server/Data Center.

Functionality description

Confluence Cloud

Confluence On-Premise

Notifications about events in Confluence (page, comment, blog, attachment created, update or deleted)

Global configurations

Space-level configurations

Personal-level configurations

Content-level configurations

Can disallow spaces to use Microsoft Confluence Connector

Page filter

Label filter

Parent page filter

User and user group filters

Path filter

Message configuration

Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook support

Microsoft Teams Workflows app support

Managed Webhook URLs

2-way integration with Bot that allows to search and comment content from Microsoft Teams

Confluence Questions and Answers support

Confluence tasks reminder report

Bug Bounty program participation

Cloud Fortified program participation

Security Self-Assessment questionnaire

Atlassian Data Center certification


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