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Architecture implementation

Microsoft Teams 2-way integration with Atlassian Server and Data Center products.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.


This light document provides high-level architecture and security consideration of implementing 2-way/bi-directional integration between Microsoft Teams (cloud chat system) and an Atlassian product like Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket or Bamboo.


Below you can see a very high-level architecture of a bi-directional integration between Jira and Microsoft Teams.

There are the following known limitations:

  • An external system cannot call Jira’s REST APIs without being authenticated.

  • There are two ways to authenticate:

    • an API token to act on behalf of a user

    • OAuth2.0 handshake with a token exchange. This way is the only way for a 3rd party App to call Jira on behalf of an App and not a concrete user.

  • When a user in Microsoft Teams acts, for instance, comments a ticket, we must make a comment in Jira on behalf of the Jira’s user. As a result, mapping of Microsoft Teams and Atlassian user required and stored to act on behalf of a user. The mapping will be stored encrypted in the MWF system.

  • Jira has to have 443 port exposed to MWF list of IPs and have a valid SSL certificate for HTTPS communication.

  • MWF system needs to know the list of IPs of customer’s Jira to permit the communication and have a valid SSL certificate for secure communication

We are in contact with Atlassian to find out if there is a way to build a 2-way integration without an intermediary system.


Security considerations

To warranty the highest security Move Work Forward provides the following:

  • Customers/tenants can choose whether they want to be in a multi-tenant system or a single-tenant system. The preferable way is to use a single-tenant system, but it will require additional provisioning (it may require an additional charge).

  • The Customer in Jira must create an Application link for Move Work Forward system to communicate with Jira.

  • IP-address whitelisting is used in Move Work Forward system and Jira servers network to decrease the security surface.

  • TSL communication is used to protect data in transfer.

  • All tenant data is encrypted at rest with tenant/customer-specific AWS KMS key.

  • There is no sensitive data stored in MWF-system, except the token to access Jira.


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