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Use cases for Google Chat integration for Confluence

Learn how Google Chat integration for Confluence can help your team be more transparent and move work forward.

Notify other teams about important updates

Create a Google Chat space to receive updates about important docs from other teams. Create a set of rules that will notify this Google Chat space/channel about update from the space you don’t own, but care to know about the new things coming there.

In this way, you and your team won’t miss important information from other teams, like release notes, product or team announcements. And at the same time, won’t be distracted by the constant notifications because a separated Google Chat feed will contain only notifications (recommended name - #confluence-others-feed).

Don’t miss new blog posts

Create a Google Chat integration for Confluence where your team receives updates from other teams’ blog posts, so that you don’t miss important announcements. Create only “new blog posts” notifications to make sure you don’t unnecessary noise.

Create a feed of important information

Create a Google Chat space/channel notification rule in Google Chat integration for Confluence Data Center that filters down the amount of alerts sent to Google Chat. You can filter by the creator of the content, space and labels.


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