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How to connect/disconnect GitHub links for Jira with your organization?

Learn how to effortlessly connect and disconnect GitHub links for Jira with your organization.

Connect GitHub links for Jira with your organization

To Connect GitHub links for Jira with the organization you have to navigate to the Global Configuration page.

  1. Select Manage Apps from the section Apps on the Confluence navigation menu.

  2. On the left sidebar find our app Github links and navigate to Settings.

  3. Click on Connect button. You are redirected to the authorization page.

  4. Authenticate yourself and authorize the App to see your private organization.

Make sure that when you authorize our GitHub OAuth App to access your data you select the organization you want to use the App with.

Here is a short (25 seconds) demo video on where to make sure that GitHub links GitHub App is authorized to access your organization's data.

Please watch the video below and pay attention that the org access is given, not only personal.

Disconnect GitHub links for Jira with your organization

If you need to reconnect or disconnect the GitHub links for Jira App with your organization, please:

  1. Unplug the App by clicking on the button Disconnect.

  2. Remove access to our app on the GitHub side (visit organisation settings).


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