Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Confluence - Server API
Version 3+
Base API url path <CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configuration
GET /configuration?spaceKey=<SPACE_KEY>
Where spaceKey
is an optional filter.
Gets global or space configurations
"id": 3,
"key": "480bddfe-5cfa-4e03-922f-1e10a6097c75",
"spaceKey": "ds",
"webhookUrl": "",
"destinations": [
"useUrl": true,
"url": ""
"events": [
"name": "The name",
"configuration": {
"filters": {
"includeGroupNames": [],
"includeUsers": [],
"excludeGroupNames": [],
"excludeUsers": [],
"labelMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"labels": [],
"topicMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"topics": []
"enabled": true
"id": 4,
"key": "480bddfe-5cfa-4e03-922f-1e10a6097c76",
"spaceKey": "ds",
"webhookUrlId": 4,
"destinations": [
"useUrl": false,
"urlId": 4
"events": [
"name": "The name",
"configuration": {
"filters": {
"includeGroupNames": [],
"includeUsers": [],
"excludeGroupNames": [],
"excludeUsers": [],
"labelMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"labels": [],
"topicMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"topics": []
"enabled": true
POST /configuration
Creates or saves configuration
The example payload
"id": 0,
"enabled": true,
"tag": "ds",
"spaceKey": "ds",
"destinations": [
"url": "",
"useUrl": true
"name": "The name",
"events": [
"configuration": {
"filters": {
"excludeGroupNames": [],
"excludeUsers": [],
"includeGroupNames": [],
"includeUsers": [],
"labelMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"labels": [],
"topicMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"topics": []
Using a managed webhook url
"id": 3,
"key": "480bddfe-5cfa-4e03-922f-1e10a6097c75",
"spaceKey": "ds",
"webhookUrlId": 4,
"destinations": [
"useUrl": false,
"urlId": 4
"events": [
"name": "The name",
"configuration": {
"filters": {
"includeGroupNames": [],
"includeUsers": [],
"excludeGroupNames": [],
"excludeUsers": [],
"labelMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"labels": [],
"topicMatchingStrategy": "ALL",
"topics": []
"enabled": true
DELETE /configuration
Deletes an existing configuration
The body should be in the JSON format
Version 2.17.4
Base API url path <CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configuration
GET /configuration?spaceKey=<SPACE_KEY>
Where spaceKey
is an optional filter.
Gets global or space configurations
"filters": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Filter-Name",
"enabled": true,
"webHookURL": "https:\/\/",
"eventTypes": [
"name": "Pull Request Opened"
"name": "Pull Request Merged"
"projects": [
"name": "Project 1",
"key": "PROJECT_1"
"repositories": [
"slug": "rep_1",
"name": "rep_1",
"branches": [
POST /configuration
Creates or saves configuration
The example payload
"id": "39f3f786-4e82-4d39-8dea-a49af023de1a",
"webHookUrl": "",
"events": [
"spaceKey": "ds"
DELETE /configuration
Deletes an existing configuration
The body should be in the JSON format