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How to link existing development tasks to Jira issues?

Capybara: GitHub, Azure DevOps for Jira Service Management makes it easy to connect Jira issues or JSM (Jira Service Management) requests with existing tasks in GitHub, GitLab, or Azure DevOps. Once linked, you can track progress, sync comments, and share updates without switching between tools.

Follow those steps to link existing development tasks to Jira issues or JSM requests.

  1. Navigate to the Jira issue or JSM request you want to link to an existing development task.

  2. On the issue view, find the Capybara panel under the Jira issue description. If the panel is not shown, click on the Capybara button or open the panel within the Apps menu above the Jira issue description.

  3. Connect to your Git platform if you haven’t done this yet.

  4. On the Capybara panel, click on Add Link.

  5. Insert the link to the GitHub issue, GitLab issue or Azure DevOps work item (depending on which Git platform you connected to).

  6. Configure notifications and comment syncing using the available checkboxes.

    • “Send a notification comment when the status changes to”:

      • Choose specific statuses (e.g., "In Progress," "Resolved") from the dropdown selector.

      • A comment will be posted in the Jira issue when the linked task reaches these statuses.

      • Status updates for JSM requests will be posted as internal comments.

    • Duplicate Comments from Git System to this Jira Issue”:

      • Enable this option to sync comments from the Git platform to the Jira issue.

      • Developers’ comments will be posted as internal comments for JSM requests.

    • “Duplicate This Jira Issue Comments to Git System” (Coming Soon):

      • This option is currently not implemented but will allow Jira comments to sync back to the Git system in the future.

  7. Click Link to connect the development task to your Jira issue or JSM request.

  8. The task will now appear in the Capybara panel, displaying key details like the title, status, and assignee. Linked tasks are automatically updated in Jira, allowing you to track progress and stay informed about status changes.

Capybara allows you to link not just development tasks but also other types of URLs from Git platforms, such as Azure DevOps Wiki pages, GitHub repositories, GitLab merge requests, etc. While only certain links display enriched information in Jira, all other links will still appear as simple URLs.

If your Git platform account is disconnected, all linked URLs will remain visible as plain links without enriched information. This ensures no critical connections are lost.

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