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Get Started guide for Jira Project admin

Google Chat for Jira app allows Jira Project administrators to configure integration according to the specific project's needs.

Project-level app settings allow project managers to customize and configure the notifications to align with the specific needs and requirements of the project. Each project may have its unique workflows, issue types, priorities, and custom fields, and project-level settings enable tailoring the tool to match these specifics.

How to find app settings for Jira Project admin?

  1. Go to the Project Settings of the Jira project you want to set up notifications for.

  2. Move to the Apps section on the left sidebar and click on Google Chat.


Notification configurations

You must create a notification rule to configure notifications sent to Google Chat spaces. This rule lets you define specific conditions or triggers for receiving notifications in Google Chat.

Follow this guide to create the notification rule.

How to set up notifications?

How to create Incoming Webhook URL for Google Chat space?


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