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How to set up notifications?

Users can receive notifications within Google Chat when there are updates or changes to Jira issues that they are involved in. This helps keep everyone informed.

Notifications to Google Chat spaces

Notifications to Google Chat spaces are sent to a specific space within a Google Chat workspace. They are visible to all members of that space, and anyone with access to the channel can see these notifications. These notifications are often related to specific projects, teams, or topics and help keep everyone on the same page regarding the progress of projects.

To set up notifications sent to the Google Chat spaces, you must create a notification rule that allows you to configure specific conditions or triggers for receiving notifications in Google Chat.

To set up notifications:

  1. Go to app settings on a level which meets your needs: global or project.

  2. Click on Create notification.


  3. Create a notification rule with specified filters and the destination (see the table below).

  4. Click on Save.

Below, you can find a short definition of each parameter you can specify:




the event or action that will trigger the notification; it allows you to select from a list of predefined events.

Ignore internal Jira Service Management comments

by enabling this parameter, the notifications to Google Chat for comments marked as internal in Jira Service Management will not be sent. Internal comments are typically meant for the support team's internal discussions and are not intended to be visible to customers.

Select project

Jira project(s) for which the notification rule applies; notifications will only be triggered for events occurring within the selected project(s).

Available only for Global Level (for Jira Administrators).

Select issue types

specify the types of issues (e.g., bug, task, story) for which you want to receive notifications.

Select issue priorities

filter notifications based on issue priorities (e.g., high, medium, low).

Select components that match

The way components should be treated

set up notifications to be triggered when issues with specific components are updated or transitioned. Also, specify how components are treated in notifications. You can define whether notifications should trigger when any of the specified components or all of them are present.

Available only for Project Level.

Enter labels

The way labels should be treated

set up notifications to be triggered when issues with specific labels are updated or transitioned. Also, specify how labels are treated in notifications. You can define whether notifications should trigger when any of the specified labels are present or all of them are present.

Custom fields filters

in this section filter notifications based on the values in custom fields.

Configure the notification card content

define what information should be included in the notification card, and choose which Jira fields (e.g., issue summary, status, description) are displayed in the notification card to provide context and details about the issue.

Where to notify?

this parameter defines the delivery space where notifications will be sent; to receive notifications, you must generate an Incoming Webhook URL for a particular Google Chat space.

How to create Incoming Webhook URL for Google Chat space?

Name of the notification

name for the notification rule for easy reference and identification.



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