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How Post Webhooks for Bitbucket sends data outside?

Outgoing API

Post Webhooks for Bitbucket sends data outside using API in a particular format. The API may differ slightly depending on the version you use (we do treat this API as a feature and do our best, including having integration tests, to maintain backward compatibility).

The best is to run ngrok http 9999 in a terminal window, copy generated the HTTP URL, and use it in the Post Webhooks for Bitbucket configuration. Afterwards, open to inspect all data sent to ngrok url.

Common types

interface BitbucketServerRepositoryOwner {
	String username;
	String displayName;
    String emailAddress;

interface BitbucketServerProject {
	String key;
	String name;

interface Link {
    String href;
    String name;

interface BitbucketServerRepository {
	String scmId;
	BitbucketServerProject project;
	String slug;
	Map<String,List<Link>> links;
    boolean public;
	String fullName; // repository full name
    BitbucketServerRepositoryOwner owner;
	String ownerName; // project name

interface BitbucketServerBranch {
	String displayId;
	String latestCommit;

interface BitbucketServerCommit {
	String message;
	String date;
	String hash;
	long authorTimestamp;

Pull request events

interface BitbucketServerPullRequestEvent {
    private BitbucketServerRepositoryOwner actor;
    private BitbucketServerPullRequest pullrequest;
    private BitbucketServerRepository repository;
    private String comment;

interface BitbucketServerPullRequest {
	String id;
	String title;
	String link;
	String authorLogin;
	BitbucketServerPullRequestSource fromRef;
	BitbucketServerPullRequestSource toRef;

interface BitbucketServerPullRequestSource {
	String latestCommit;
	String displayId;
	BitbucketServerRepository repository;
    BitbucketServerBranch branch;
	BitbucketServerCommit commit;

Push event

interface BitbucketPushEvent {
    BitbucketServerRepositoryOwner actor;
    BitbucketServerRepository repository;
    BitbucketPushDetail push;
    String[] branches;

interface BitbucketPushDetail {
    BitbucketPushChange[] changes;

interface BitbucketPushChange {
    State new;
    State old;
    boolean created;
    boolean closed;

interface State {
    String type;
    String name;
    Target target;

interface Target {
    String type = "commit";
    String hash;
    String commitMessage;

Build status update events

interface class BuildStatusEvent {
    String commit;
    String status;
    String url;
    BitbucketServerRepository repository;

HTTP header values

Here is our event type to header value map.

.put(PULL_REQUEST_OPENED, "pullrequest:created")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED, "pullrequest:updated")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_RESCOPED, "pullrequest:updated")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED, "pullrequest:updated")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_MERGED, "pullrequest:fulfilled")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_DECLINED, "pullrequest:rejected")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT, "pullrequest:comment")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_DELETED, "pullrequest:deleted")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_CANCELABLE_COMMENT, "pullrequest:comment")
.put(PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT_ACTIVITY, "pullrequest:comment")
.put(BUILD_STATUS_SET, "build:status")
.put(TAG_CREATED, "repo:push")
.put(BRANCH_CREATED, "repo:push")
.put(BRANCH_DELETED, "repo:push")


Repository push

X-Event-Key	repo:push

    "actor": {
        "username": "admin",
        "displayName": "Administrator",
        "emailAddress": ""
    "repository": {
        "scmId": "git",
        "project": {
            "key": "PROJECT_1",
            "name": "Project 1"
        "slug": "rep_1",
        "links": {
            "self": [
                    "href": "http://localhost:7990/bitbucket/projects/PROJECT_1/repos/rep_1/browse"
        "public": false,
        "ownerName": "PROJECT_1",
        "fullName": "PROJECT_1/rep_1",
        "owner": {
            "username": "PROJECT_1",
            "displayName": "PROJECT_1",
            "emailAddress": null
    "push": {
        "changes": [
                "created": false,
                "closed": false,
                "old": {
                    "type": "branch",
                    "name": "admin/add_filetxt-1591697551701",
                    "target": {
                        "type": "commit",
                        "hash": "0a943a29376f2336b78312d99e65da17048951db",
                        "commitMessage": "test commit message"
                "new": {
                    "type": "branch",
                    "name": "admin/add_filetxt-1591697551701",
                    "target": {
                        "type": "commit",
                        "hash": "be2049fc0a90f6ee1d556fa236fec7de0fb1a577",
                        "commitMessage": "test commit message"

Pull request approver

When the pull request is approved the event contains the approver.

"approver": {
    "username": "user",
    "displayName": "User",
    "emailAddress": ""

How to create a new webhook?

Global Configurations for Bitbucket admins

Project Level Configurations

Repository Level Configurations


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