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How to group Microsoft Teams notifications by related Jira issue?

Grouping Microsoft Teams notifications by related Jira issue is a valuable feature for keeping your team's communication organized and ensuring specific issues updates are easily accessible.

By default, Notifications to the Microsoft Teams channels and Personal notifications sent to Microsoft Teams are ungrouped.

To set up grouping notifications by related Jira issue follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Teams channel where you’re expecting to receive notifications.

  2. In the message box mention our Move Work Forward with Jira bot using “@” and type settings command. Send this message.

  3. After you should receive back a card to access the bot settings in this channel.

  4. Press on the button Click. The settings window should be opened.

  1. In the window above, you can indicate that you want to merge notifications that are coming from Jira into this particular channel. To do this select Yes.

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