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About Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Confluence

Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Confluence integrates Confluence with Microsoft Teams. This integration enhances team collaboration and streamlines workflows by bringing together the features of both platforms.

The connector helps:

  • receiving tailored notifications from Confluence to Microsoft Teams;

  • commenting and replying to Confluence content from Microsoft Teams;

  • searching Confluence content and embedding cards in Microsoft Teams.

You can use Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Confluence in two ways:

  • 2-way integration provides data flow in both directions. Users can access and interact with Confluence content directly from within the Microsoft Teams platform, and vice versa. Getting benefits from 2-way integration requires simple installation of our companion app Confluence Connector by the Confluence administrator. More details here.

  • 1-way integration provides data flows only one way from Confluence to Microsoft Teams and you cannot interact with Confluence content in Microsoft Teams. To use 1-way integration you have to generate a Webhook URL for a particular Microsoft Teams channel.

Functionality description

2-way integration

1-way integration

Notifications to the Microsoft Teams channels

Pesonal notifications to 1-1 chat with the bot

Commens on Confluence content from Microsoft Teams

Search and sharing Confluence content in Teams


Integration set up by Confluence admin

Notifications to the Microsoft Teams channels

Personal notifications

Sharing Confluence content in Teams


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