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API Documentation

API documentation for Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Jira (Server & DC).

Version 3+

The base API URL path <JIRA_BASE_URL>/rest/microsoft-teams/1.0

GET /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations[?projectKey={PROJECT_KEY}]
POST /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations
DELETE /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations/{ID}

GET /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations/supported-events

GET /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations/excluded-projects
POST /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations/excluded-projects
DELETE /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations/excluded-projects/{ID}

Where the projectKey is an optional filter.

Example of the configuration object used to get and set configurations.

   "name":"Config Name",
         "userKey": "KEY1"

GET /rest/microsoft-teams/1.0/configurations/supported-events

Gets supported event types

  "id": "ISSUE_CREATED",
  "label": "Issue created"

Notifications to the Microsoft Teams channel

Personal notifications to 1-on-1 chat in Teams

Scheduled reports and alerts

Admin events notifications




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