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Install Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Jira

  1. Log in to your Jira Server/DC instance as an administrator.

  2. Go to the Atlassian Marketplace and search for Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Jira.

  3. Click on Try it Free and follow the prompts.

  4. Download the Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Jira Data Center app to your local system.

  5. Go Jira Administration and click on Manage apps section.

  6. Upload Advanced Microsoft Teams Connector for Jira Connector app.

  7. Find our app in User-installed apps section or Microsoft Teams section in the left-hand sidebar.

  8. Click on Configure button to set up the integration on the Global Configuration page.


Notifications to the Microsoft Teams channel

Scheduled reports and alerts

Admin events notifications

Webhook URLs Management

Global Settings

Connect Jira with Microsoft Teams


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