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Real-time Collaboration on Jira Issues

The Microsoft Teams Jira Connector allows team members to receive real-time notifications in a dedicated channel, fostering immediate collaboration. Team members can discuss the issue, share updates, and make decisions within the Teams environment.

This use case highlights the integration's ability to streamline communication and collaboration around Jira tasks in a seamless and efficient manner:

  • When team member updates the Jira issue, such as changing its status or adding comments the Microsoft Teams Jira Connector sends a real-time notification to a dedicated Teams channel where the development team collaborates.

  • Team members receive the notification and are instantly aware of the update without having to check Jira separately. This ensures that everyone on the team is informed promptly about changes to the issue.

  • Team members can start a discussion in the Teams channel, responding to the Jira update straight on the Jira notification card. They can ask questions, provide insights, or share relevant information directly within the Teams environment.

  • Team members can collectively make decisions in real time based on the Jira update. If additional tasks arise or if there are changes to assignments, they can be created and assigned in the Jira tab within the Teams channel.

Notifications to the Microsoft Teams channels

Personal notifications

Sharing Jira issues in Teams

Jira issue discussion channel

Jira tab in Microsoft teams


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